1 Diminutive young lady's sit down meal (5.3.4)
5 See 1a
9 This fish could be past it's sell by date? (5)
10 Everybody united by way of depositsm (7)
11 Brainless act breaking wind at concerts (4,8)
13 Former arts display gives one the runs (6)
14 Pickle made from capers (6)
17 I train awkward copper to get dead silent (12)
20 Little European polliwog (7)
21 Leprechaun clearly found with money lender (5)
22 Sure to get complicated trick (4)
23 Bounders easily kept below the surface (8)
1&12 Recharges its battery found in shops (4,8)
2 Screen action with repeat performance (7)
3 Fulfillment is what Mick maybe finds unobtainable (12)
4 Almost nobody starts before time (6)
6 Port to take in at the Nag's Head (5)
7 Agreement before a row with a more frothy outcome (8)
8 Noisy woman has refinement but makes bloomers (12)
12 See 1D
15 A duty to report aggression (7)
16 Investigate broadcast (6)
18 Mountains with points on (5)
19 Food activist shortly has a heavenly body (4)
For solution email rinfav@sky.com