Compiled by R. GREGORY

1 Sign strangely lost to unknown writer (3,7)
7 Article changing entire course (7)
8 Concrete mixer at first field (5)
10 Type of bowl (4)
11 More attractive invitation to stretch out
with Romeo (8)
13 Acclaims sex changes and gets fortune back (6)
15 The old guys pursued by one person from
the middle east (6)
17 Popular sumo wrestler gets award but only
to a degree (8)
18 Very big South African mountain (4)
21 Part of wall starts to buckle in storm (5)
22 Nice friend to get no fake paperwork? (7)
23 Tiny blonde novel writer (4,6)
1 Red linen woven (5)
2 Make progress with monster (4)
3 Spotted prowler initially on church land (6)
4 Shown or hidden (8)
5 Stone work with a file (7)
6 Men failing to get bondsman? (3,7)
9 Novelist drinks outside in the morning (6,4)
12 Animal tucked into fodder served hot (8)
14 Try to stop agreement (4,3)
16 Small horn initially in remote train (6)
19 Country boy firstly seen with American
in Nevada (5)
20 Charioteer having a good time (4)
For solution email
Solution for Issue 10's crossword
1 Waterloo
6 tic
9 hoard
10 refrain
11 rankled
13 credo, 14 nitwit
15 solves
18 claim
20 layover
21 omitter
22 melee
23 sin 24 Victoria
2 against
3 edge
4 Laredo
5 olfactory
6 trace
7 Cannon Street
8 Charing Cross
12 leitmotiv
6 Vivaldi
17 cleric
19 Asian
22 moo