We have all been massively affected by the current crisis and seen the fragility of
our current way of doing things, whether in economics, commerce, transport or social care.
The temporary significant drop in environmental pollution has been a small but welcome result of the lock-down.
The magnificent way organisations, individuals and some of our local shops have worked to support our community has been heart-warming.
Many of us have reflected on what changes could and should be made to how we run things for a better future. We want to hear some of your thoughts and ideas so we are launching an Essay Competition.
We invite readers to submit an essay or a short story of no more than 2000 words under the title: Life after coronavirus
Closing date 30th June 2020. Open to all.
Email your entry to favershameye@outlook.com
A prize of £100 will be awarded to the best entry in the opinion of the editorial team.
The three best entries will be published in our July/August edition.