The motto of u3a is Learn, Laugh and Live and here in Faversham we definitely do all three. The organisation has been up and running in this area for 5 years, with groups formed covering many subjects. At the onset of Covid-19 we had 260 members and 35 - 40 interest groups meeting regularly, some monthly, some weekly, with some outdoor activities being seasonal. All groups are formed naturally, following the urge to share an activity or subject with like-minded people.
The current Covid-19 situation has obviously taken its toll on some of our group activities but some, like the book clubs, are still going strong and the regular committee meetings and monthly talks together with virtual “coffee mornings” have, by using Zoom technology, continued with great success. We have in the last year taken on one of Faversham’s allotments and work on this has not stopped. We anticipate an eager return to group meetings once the pandemic is finally over and we look forward to celebrating our 5th Anniversary later in the year. Suffering most from the pandemic are the Theatre and Cinema groups, together with group outings/holidays to places of interest. Many group members have stayed in touch with each other over the last year via email, telephone, Zoom or Facebook.
The name u3a stands for “university of the 3rd age” – learning never stops whatever your age and is much easier when combined with laughter and lively company. There are no age limits, but the u3a is for people in their 'third age' - retired or semi-retired. For this reason it attracts a lot of members aged 50 and over. The attractions to joining are many – companionship and the need to fill empty hours are just two reasons, but finally having time to learn a language for your next overseas holiday or enjoying art in its many forms are just a few activities worth investigating. One of our committee members says about joining, “For us it was based on the fact we were new to the area; we wanted to meet some new friends and join in the monthly talks and some of the activity groups, plus find out more about our new community”.
The membership is open to anyone who wishes to broaden their interests, be it academical, sport and walks, parlour games, or needlework, hobbies and craftwork of all kinds. In fact making a list is not necessary – there are so many interests that can benefit from being shared that the list is endless. Members of u3a can just pass the word to the Interest Group Co-ordinator that they would like to start a group and, if enough of the same mind come forward, it will flourish. Group members are not “taught” – methodology and skills are honed from within the group as they progress.
Come and join us –
If you wish to learn more, please visit our website or, for General Enquiries, you may also telephone 07954145904.