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Swale Council asked to back urgent, far-reaching action on the climate and ecological emergency

At a Council meeting on 31st March, Swale Borough Council will be asked to back the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.

The private members bill presented to Parliament calls on the Government to develop an emergency strategy that requires the UK to play its fair role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions consistent with limiting global temperature increase to 1.5° C above pre-industrial temperatures.

The strategy should take account of the UK’s consumption emissions and emissions from aviation and shipping while also restoring depleted soils and wildlife habitats. The bill additionally calls for an independent Citizens’ Assembly to help develop the emergency strategy.

Cllr Tim Valentine of the Green Party - who proposed the motion - said: “The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill was to have been debated in the House of Commons this Friday (March 26th) but with Friday sittings suspended, MPs' voices are not being heard. Far-reaching climate action can create the jobs we need in recovering from the pandemic. We must keep up the pressure on Government for this bill to be debated and adopted.”

Cllr Alastair Gould, Green Party, seconded the motion: “In June 2019 Swale Borough Council unanimously declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency. We always recognised that the Council acting alone cannot deliver a carbon-neutral borough. We need support from Government to provide the resources for warmer homes, more cycle routes, and better public transport. This motion asks the Council to lobby the Government to draw up an emergency strategy to meet our international obligation for effective climate action.”

For further information contact:

Cllr Tim Valentine 07752 191807

For more information on the bill see:


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