7:30pm - 10:00pm at St Mary of Charity

• Faversham Voices
• Cantiana
• Mustardseed Singers
• Lowering the Tone
• Faversham Community Choir
• Faversham Choral Society
A unique collaboration bringing together local choirs to explore the unique heritage of the town and its people. Waterways will explore how the small settlement of Faversham grew at the head of a navigable creek and will celebrate how boatbuilding, brewing, brickmaking and even gunpowder all flourished.
A journey of discovery from Faversham’s grand Victorian station, through the medieval centre of town to the bleak beauty of the Kent marshes.
More details and ticket information from:
Faversham Cycle Fest
(23rd March to 4th April) at 12 Market Place

Recycle your unwanted or outgrown bicycles by bringing them along to 12 Market Place between Monday 23rd and Friday 27th March. You will receive at 20% discount voucher to use at the Bike Sale on Saturday 4 April.
Doctor Bike Classes -Learn the basic skills to look after your bicycle. Spaces are free but strictly limited on:
Monday 30th March at 12 - 2pm and 7 - 9pm
Weds 1st April at 12 - 2pm and 7 - 9pm
Book on Eventbrite or please call Brooke on 01795 503286
Doctor Bike Drop ins – after school check-up for children’s bikes
Monday 30th March at 3 - 6pm
Weds 1st April at 3 - 6pm
Bike Sale on Saturday 4th April – 10am – 4pm
All provided free by the CycleCommunity.org
The Big Faversham Easter Egg Hunt (11th April)
The trail starts at Faversham Baptist Church (St Marys Road), where you will be given your clue sheets. Then hunt for the clues in shop windows across the town.
The trail will take approx. 45 minutes to complete - there will also be an app version which takes a slightly longer route around the town. Suitable for all ages. Prizes for everyone!
This is a Khushi Feet charity event, raising money for schools for street children in Kolkata, India. (Minimum donation £1).
Contact Emily Cook at info@khushifeet.org.uk for more information
Creek Creative
The Window to my Soul The Exhibition by Jude Adams – Tue 18th Feb to Sunday 1st March
J. Hedley Art Class Show 9th to 15th March
Endymion Glassart 16th to 22nd March
Map Callaborative Exhibition 24th March to 5th April
Kiffy McPherson 7th to 19th April
Faversham Art Society21st to 26th April
KCPA Show 28th April to 10th May
Copter’s Comedy Club with Jayde Adams
8:00pm on 13th March at The Old Brewery Store
Copter’s Comedy Club with Angelos Epithemiou
8:00pm on 10th April at The Old Brewery Store
Comedy Lock in at the Limes
7:30pm on 4thh Feb at The Limes
Faversham Royal showtimes see: http://royalcinema.co.uk/faversham/now/
Market Day Matinee: The Good Liar
2:00pm on Friday 6th March at The Alexander Centre
Mother’s Day Screening: Mamma Mia!
4:00pm on Sunday 22th March at The Alexander Centre
Silver Matinee: Reenie the Singing Tealady
11:00am on Friday 27th March at The Alexander Centre
Faversham Charter Market https://favershammarket.org/
every Tuesday, Friday & Saturday, in and around
the Market Place.
Best of Faversham Market
7th & 21st March & 4th & 18th April on Preston Street
Antiques & Vintage Market From 9:30am on first Sunday
of every month (1st March and 5th April) in the Market Square.
Book Fair from 9:30 – 3pm on Sat 14th March at the
Alexander Centre
Faversham Vintage, Retro, Antiques and Gifts 10am – 3pm
on Sunday 1st March & 5th April, Alexander Centre.
https://www playinginfaversham.com for pub bands
Saturday 29th Feb
Waterways 7:30pm, St Mary of Charity Church
Jazz@TheAlex The Derek Nash Picante Latin Band,
8:00pm, The Alexander Centre

Sunday 1st March
Anna Kondrashina and Pavel Timofeyevsky
3:00pm, Faversham Assembly Rooms
Saturday 6th March
Alabaster dePlume from 6:30pm, The Hot Tin

Thursday 12th March
Faversham Mission Brass from 7:30pm, The Alexander Centre
Friday 13th March
The Carrick Sisters 8.00pm, The Alexander Centre
Saturday 14th March
Taking Care of Vegas 8.00pm, The Alexander Centre
Saturday 21st March
California Dreamers 8.00pm, The Alexander Centre
Saturday 28th March
Abba Chique 8.00pm, The Alexander Centre
Auction from 9.30am on 1st March, Boughton Village Hall
Music Quiz 8:00pm on Thursday 5th March, The Anchor
The Tidal Thames 8:00pm on 11th March, Fleur de Lis Hall
Faversham Horticultural Society Talk: Bloomers and Butterflies of Kent 7:30pm on 18th March, The Alexander Centre
Spring Photography Morning from 10:00am on 26th March, Belmont House and Gardens
Faversham Horticultural Society Spring Show 12:00pm on 28th March, The Alexander Centre
Music Quiz 8:00pm on Thursday 2nd April, The Anchor
Auction from 9.30am on 5th April, Boughton Village Hall
The Big Faversham Easter Egg Hunt! from 10:00am on 11th April at the Faversham Baptist Church
Easter at Mount Ephraim for an Egg-cellent Family Fun Day Out – from 11:00am on 12th and 13th April at Mount Ephraim Gardens
Faversham Horticultural Society Talk: Behind the Scenes at Faversham Open Gardens & Garden Market Day 7:30pm on 15th April at the Alexander Centre
Nosh and Knowledge Evening 7:30pm on 18th April,The United Church Hall, Preston Street.
Arden Theatre
All Clear by Eugene Stickland 7.30pm on 3rd and 4th April
The Sound of Musicals 7.30pm on 15th May