We are very reasonably depressed by the ongoing incompetence being shown by our national politicians and the future prospects of Kent being turned into a large lorry park after a no-deal Brexit. That is to say nothing about the very real possibility of high unemployment and a new crisis for our slowly recovering local shops, pubs and other local businesses.
However, the threatened overhaul of the planning regulations proposed by Robert Jenrick, the controversial Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, are of particular concern. This could make all the work being done on our emerging Local Plan redundant and leave Faversham even more at the mercy of predatory, profit-maximising developers, creating an existential crisis for the town.
In this issue we feature the contentious planning application for Ordnance Wharf and the consequences it could have for the regeneration of Faversham Creek, and investigate the barely credible amount of money that has been spent on a, so far, futile attempt to reroute the public footpath along the front of the houses at Faversham Reach and Waterside Close.
Widening our reporting horizons to foreign parts, we feature a deeply personal view of the devastating impact a development of luxury houses will have on the old brickfield site at Conyer.
But enough of the fun stuff.
In addition, we present a selection of some of the powerful photographic work of Alex Hare and a focus on Faversham’s market and charity shops.
‘The Spire’ reports on one of Faversham’s best-kept secrets, the University of West Ospringe, a sadly underrated local academic institution.
Also, we include all our usual features apart from ‘Whately Watch’, which would have reported on Helen and husband Marcus’s troubles with their neighbouring peasants. Because of our high editorial standards, we have no intention of reprinting tittle-tattle from the low-brow Daily Mail (freely available by visiting
Finally, we give further news of the Faversham Festival, which, Covid permitting, should bring some cheer to a mid-November weekend.
We hope you enjoy this amateur edition of the Eye.

SB Dawn visits Faversham - see story on page three.
Photo: Seamus Masters